
Michigan Supreme Court Considers Hearing Trip-And-Fall Injury At House Party
Imagine going to someone’s home only to trip and fall down a stair you couldn’t see in the dark. Who is responsible…

Michigan Potholes: Can The Government Be Held Responsible For The Injury?
This winter has been especially hard on Michigan roads. The weather patterns have resulted in massive potholes across the state, and in…

Landowner Negligence: Who To Sue – The Landlord Or The Tenant?
When you are seriously injured on someone else’s property, a landowner negligence lawsuit may be the best way to be compensated for…

How Your Michigan Car Accident Law Suit Could Change
For years, if you were seriously injured in an auto accident, you and your medical providers could seek no-fault benefits from your…

When Auto Insurance Companies Fight Over No-Fault Benefit Priority
After an auto accident, injured motorists usually aren’t particular about which auto insurance company pays their bills. However, for insurers, the priority…

Buying An Annual Ski Season Pass For NASTAR? Read The Release.
Winter is just around the corner, and avid skiers are getting ready to buy an annual ski season pass. A recent Michigan…

What Should I Do After Being Involved In A Motorcycle Accident
A motorcycle accident can cause serious injuries which can even be fatal. The injuries that occur when a rider meets the road can…

Top Causes of Michigan Boating Accidents
You thought you were going to enjoy the day out on the Great Lakes or another body of water. Unfortunately, what began…

What to Do After a Truck Accident in Michigan
In just a few seconds, a truck accident changed your life. You may, understandably, feel overwhelmed, and you may wonder what you…

Recovering Compensation in a Car Accident Lawsuit When You’re Partially at Fault
In many cases, you can still recover compensation if you were hurt in a car crash that was partly your fault. However, doing so…