
Medicaid and Your Estate Plan
Assets in a revocable living trust are not protected for Medicaid purposes and must be used to pay for the costs of…

Last Will and Testament
If you own assets in your name alone, they may pass from you to the people you love, as long as you…

Probate: Why Should I Avoid It?
What is probate? It is the legal process of presenting your Will, if you have one, to the Court after your death…

Protect Your Assets Today With an Estate Plan
Would you have your regular doctor do your heart surgery? Sounds like a stupid question, right? However, the same could be said…

Little Red Wagon Story
There are many people who are unsure about what a Living Trust really is. It’s a lot like the little red wagons…

Who Needs an Estate Plan?
Spolier Alert: Everyone Needs an Estate Plan Estate Planning isn’t about how much money you have. It’s about protecting what you have;…

Is The Bar Owner Responsible When Patrons “Take It Outside?”
Maybe there have been too many movies about fights that start in a bar until the patrons decide to “take it outside”….

Are Property Owners Responsible For Uninvited Visitors’ Injuries?
There are many reasons to go door-to-door. Whether you are a mail carrier, a canvasser, or a Girl Scout, your success depends…

Can You Sue Contractors For Worksite Injuries Under Premises Liability?
When a construction crew takes over your workplace, or your home, who is responsible for injuries caused by dangers on the worksite?…

Who Pays For A Veteran’s VA Care After An Auto Accident?
Veterans of the United States Armed Forces have access to a wide variety of medical care through the Veterans’ Administration. When that…