Critical Information About Michigan Postnuptial Agreements
Postnuptial agreements aren’t as familiar as prenuptial agreements to most people. However, Michigan law allows married couples to enter postnuptial agreements. What to Include…
How to Divide Debt in a Michigan Divorce
Everything must be divided when a marriage partnership ends. You may want more of some things, such as property and time with your children, and…
How Substance Abuse Could Impact Your Michigan Divorce
Michigan is a no-fault divorce state which means that you don’t need a reason to end your marriage. However, a spouse’s drug…
Health Insurance Coverage During a Michigan Divorce
One spouse often carries health insurance for the family. If you carry the health insurance, then your coverage should continue without interruption…
What to Do If Your Spouse Tries to Delay Your Divorce
Divorce is a time of significant transition. Whatever your feelings may be about your divorce, you likely want to settle the legal…
Conservators and Guardians in Michigan
Since the hearing regarding Britney Spears and her conservatorship in the California Court, we have been flooded with questions about a conservator,…
When Michigan Grandparents Can Petition the Court for Visitation Rights
As a grandparent, you love your grandchild fiercely. You want to maintain a close relationship with your grandchild, even if the child’s…
What to Look for in a Michigan Divorce Lawyer
The divorce attorney you choose can significantly impact your divorce settlement, but there are so many family law attorneys out there. How…
How Child Custody Is Decided for Unwed Parents
If you were never married to your child’s other parent, child custody can’t be decided during divorce proceedings. However, the court will…
Things to Think About If You Get Divorced After Age 50
By now, you may have heard different terms describe your divorce. If you are over the age of 50, you may be…